SOC 2 Cost

Do you find the expense of SOC 2 certification concerning? Many companies have this problem. SOC 2 audits evaluate consumer data protection policies of businesses. This page will help you budget by breaking apart SOC 2 expenses.

Discover how to increase your security and save money right here.

Recognizing SOC 2

One framework for handling consumer data is SOC 2. It establishes criteria for security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.

Soc 2®: what is it?

The American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) developed the auditing tool SOC 2®. It guarantees that suppliers of services safely handle data to safeguard customer confidentiality. Five “trust service principles”—security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy—formulate the framework.

Based on five trust service principles, SOC 2 outlines standards for handling consumer data.

Security-conscious companies selecting a SaaS vendor must first be in SOC 2 compliance. There are two varieties: Type I addresses system design; and Type II evaluates operational performance over time.

Though not legally mandated, SOC 2 is very essential for data security providers of SaaS and cloud computing systems.

Why is it so crucial?

In the digital scene of today, SOC 2® compliance is now very vital. With 40% of respondents in a PwC study ranking cyberattacks as the top business risk in 2022, they represent a danger to companies.

The startling 128% rise in cybercrime reports recorded by the FBI during 2018 emphasizes the escalating risk. With a 152% increase in data breaches between 2020 and 2021, small firms run even more danger.

Protecting against illegal access and cyberattacks, SOC 2® audits evaluate systems and data management mechanisms.

Organizations gain much from achieving SOC 2® compliance. It builds reputation, lowers data security threats, and offers a competitive advantage. Thorough security assessments, penetration testing, and the use of strong security measures define the compliance process.

These actions enable companies to spot weaknesses, fortify their defenses, and win over customers and partners using credibility. Examining the expenses related to SOC 2® compliance requires us to first grasp the many kinds of SOC reports and their particular uses.

SOC 1 vs SOC 2 against SOC 3

various kinds of SOC reports are used for various purposes. Soc 1, Soc 2, and Soc 3 are broken out here:


Report Type Focus Audience Purpose
SOC 1 Internal financial controls Auditors, management Financial reporting
SOC 2 Security and operational controls Specific stakeholders (under NDA) Data protection and privacy
SOC 3 Security controls (public version of SOC 2) General public Marketing and assurance


Report Type: Audience Focus Objective

Soc 1 Audit – Internal financial controls:Auditors, management Financial reporting

SOC 2 Security and operational controls: Specific stakeholders under NDA; data protection and privacy

General public marketing and assurance; SOC 3 Security controls—public version of SOC 2

SOC 2 reports provide an in-depth analysis of the security policies of a company. These are exchanged privately with certain interested parties. Conversely, SOC 3 reports are a tool used in marketing. They provide a public-facing guarantee about security measures. The many elements influencing SOC 2 audit expenses will be covered in the future part.

Trust Services Standards

SOC 2 audits are built on the Trust Services Criteria. Among these standards are security, availability, confidentiality, processing integrity, and privacy. With an eye on defense against illegal access, security is the sole required premise.

Although they are optional, the other four values will help a business to be more credible.

Any good business partnership starts with trust.

Compliance with SOC 2 means fulfilling certain control goals for every selected criterion. Security measures could so include intrusion detection systems, firewalls, and access management.

Protecting personally identifiable information (PII) via encryption and rigorous access restrictions usually takes the front stage in privacy policies. Businesses have to prove throughout the review process that they satisfy these standards using audit-proof.

Standard Criteria

Building on the Trust Services Criteria, SOC 2 audits evaluate companies on Common Criteria as well. The foundation of security policies and procedures is these criteria. They address things such as access control, system operations, risk management, and communication.

Companies that want SOC 2 compliance have to satisfy these criteria.

Common Criteria serve to guarantee uniformity across SOC 2 audits. They provide an unambiguous structure for assessing data processing internal control systems. These standards let auditors evaluate a company’s degree of protection of private data.

Often meeting these criteria calls for continuous maintenance, including frequent security measure assessments. Businesses might have to change their policies to remain compliant and handle new risks.

Social Media Audit Expenses

Several factors affect the cost of a SOC 2 audit. These cover your system complexity, audit scope, and business size.

Influences on expenses

Multiple elements affect SOC 2 audit expenses. Knowing these components enables companies to properly allocate their funds and be ready for the compliance procedure.

one. Type 2 audits are more expensive than Type 1 ones. Type 2 looks at controls throughout a period; Type 1 evaluates them at a single moment in time.

Two.Scope: The pricing changes depending on the covered number of Trust Services criteria. More categories increase complexity and time, which drives more expenses.

Third: System Complexity: Detailed IT systems need for more extensive audits. This covers databases, application count, and network component count.

Fourth. Larger companies can pay more as their more comprehensive systems and evaluation procedures call for more resources.

  1. Companies with effective current controls might cut their preparatory costs. Starting from nothing might call for extra resources for gap analysis and enhancements.
  2. Hiring outside consultants for advice may raise costs but, by guaranteeing appropriate preparation, this can help to save money over time.

Seven. Investing in security technologies and compliance automation software helps to simplify the process even if it increases first expenses.

  1. Staff members’ security awareness training is very vital and increases the general cost.

Fees vary among audit companies and certified public accountants. Reputable companies like Deloitte might charge more.

Tenth.Geographic Location: Different labor rates and travel charges affect audit expenses depending on the location of the organization.

eleven.Timeline: Rushed audits often run more expensive. Good preparation makes the procedure more reasonably priced.

12..Industry Specifics: Certain industries may have more stringent rules, hence raising compliance expenses.

XIV.Previous Audit Experience: The learning curve of first-time audits usually results in higher costs than of following ones.

Type 1 vs Type 2

There are two forms of SOC 2 audits: Type 1 and Type 2. Everyone has various expenses and varied uses.

Aspect Type 1 SOC 2 Type 1 SOC 2 Type 2

Control design should be focused on a point in time; operational efficacy should be developed over time.

generally 1-2 months shorter, duration longer generally 6-12 months.

Cost (Small to Midsize Companies) $7,500 to $15,000 $12,000 to $20,000

Cost (Larger Organizations) $20,000 to $60,000 $30,000 to $100,000

Depth of Evaluation Less focused More exhaustive

Frequency usually comes before the advised Type 2 annual renewal.

Type 1 audits provide a moment-in-time view of controls. They finish in less time and cost less. Small to medium businesses spend $7,500 to $15,000 for Type 1 audits. Bigger companies pay between $20,000 and $60,000.

Type 2 audits examine controls over a long time. They provide a closer look into a company’s security policies. Type 2 audits run small to medium companies between $12,000 and $20,000. Larger companies could spend between $30,000 and $100,000.

The demands and resources of your business will determine either Type 1 or Type 2 you choose. Many firms start their journey with Type 1. It points up security control flaws. Type 2 provides a more all-encompassing assessment of your over-time security practices.

The procedures of both audit kinds are the same. These cover reporting, fieldwork, and planning. The length and depth of the examination define the primary variations. Because of their longer observation duration, type 2 audits call for additional time and money.

Often beginning with a Type 1 audit, companies go to Type 2. This method lets one gradually apply restrictions. It distributes the expenses across time as well. Frequent Type 2 audits support ongoing security activities and assist in maintaining compliance.

Timeline and audit procedure

The SOC 2 audit process consists of numerous important stages. The size and preparation level of the company will affect this chronology.

one. Companies assess their present security policies against SOC 2 standards. Often to find gaps, this stage consists of risk and vulnerability analyses.

The second organizations correct any found weaknesses in their information security systems. This can call for changing password rules, using multi-factor authentication, or enhancing antivirus programs.

Third: Defining the audit scope helps one to identify which systems and procedures will be looked at. This stage enables the audit to be focused on pertinent business processes and areas of failure.

Companies decide upon a certified public accountant (CPA) company to do the audit. The auditor is well knowledgeable in cloud technology and e-commerce.

Five. To show compliance, the company compiles documents. This covers policies, processes, and security practice documentation.

  1. Auditors check controls, interview staff members, and evaluate data. They may do system security penetration testing.

Seven. The auditor generates a first report with results and any found problems in draft form. The firm goes over this draft for correctness.

  1. Should problems arise, management responds with a plan for rectification. This shows dedication to continuous development.

Nine. The auditor sends the last SOC 2 report. For customers and partners, this paperwork provides evidence of compliance.

Ten. Organizations maintained compliance after the audit using continuous security measures. This includes frequent risk analyses and staff development.

For a Type 2 audit, the whole procedure can take three to twelve months; for a Type 1 audit, this usually is faster. We will next go into budgeting for SOC 2 compliance.

Audits are conducted by whom?

Once one is aware of the audit procedure and schedule, it becomes imperative to know who does these evaluations. SOC 2 audits call for certain specialist knowledge. Usually certified public accountants (CPAs) or specialist businesses, independent third-party auditors do these audits.

These experts have the required knowledge to look at the security policies and procedures of a company.

Variations in auditor costs depend on things like system complexity and staff numbers. A Type 2 audit may cost $15,000, but a Type 2 Type 1 audit might run around $12,000.

Companies should include these costs in their compliance budgets. Making sure a complete and accurate evaluation of an organization’s security measures and controls depends on selecting the appropriate auditor.

Budgeting for SOC 2 Compliance:

A detailed project plan is the foundation of SOC 2 compliance budgets. This timetable enables you to keep on target and monitor expenses. Would for more information on handling your SOC 2 budget? Keep on reading!

Create a project schedule.

Getting ready for SOC 2 compliance depends critically on developing a project strategy. A well-organized strategy enables companies to keep on target and properly allocate resources throughout the compliance process.

One. Describe the particular Trust Services Criteria your company will concentrate on. This clarifies project boundaries and helps to reduce compliance needs.

Two. Distribute duties and responsibilities among important team members. This includes assigning department heads for many compliance areas, choosing internal auditors, and assigning a project manager for several compliance areas.

In 3. Establish reasonable deadlines for every stage of the compliance process and mark significant events in each. Consider time for policy documentation, readiness evaluations, and any corrections.

Five. List every policy, process, and control that must be changed or followed. Track development using checklists to be sure no vital component is missed.

Six. Create a mechanism to arrange and keep all pertinent compliance records. For simple access and version control, this might mean using cloud-based storage options.

Seven. Plan frequent check-ins to go over developments, handle obstacles, and make required project plan changes.

  1. Before the formal SOC 2 audit starts, map internal audit and readiness assessment processes.

nine. Think about automation technologies; review programs for software that could simplify compliance procedures and cut manual work.

  1. Plan for post-audit activities including actions to maintain constant compliance and handle audit findings.

Once a strong project strategy is in place, companies may go on to handle certain compliance needs.

Compliance guidelines

Companies have to concentrate on fulfilling certain SOC 2 compliance criteria after a project strategy has been developed. The five trust principles—security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy—formulate these criteria.

Every concept comes with certain standards that companies have to meet. Security policies could, for instance, call for access restrictions, anti-phishing instructions, and firewall settings.

Documentation of rules and practices, use of risk management techniques, and building of monitoring systems are other components of compliance. Businesses must show they have the right security mechanisms in place to preserve client information housed in the cloud.

This often calls for cooperation with software developers to create or purchase technologies automating compliance chores. Cyber insurance companies might provide discounts to SOC 2 compliant companies, therefore stressing the need to follow these criteria.

Prospects for cost-saving

Though there are methods to save costs, meeting compliance criteria may be expensive. These are various chances for SOC 2 compliance to help with expenses:

One first.StrongDM provides free SOC 2 policy templates in an open-source style. In creating required paperwork, these materials may save money and time.

The third is using automation tools; beginning at $8,000, platforms like Sprinto can simplify the SOC 2 process. Automation lowers long-term costs and physical effort.

  1. Internal readiness evaluations—regular self-checks—help to find and resolve problems before official audits. By being proactive, expensive shocks are minimized.

five. Invest in educating existing staff members rather than employing new experts. This approach lowers outsourcing expenses and develops domestic competence.

  1. Give scope top importance and concentrate on necessary systems and procedures for first compliance. This focused strategy helps cut complexity and early audit expenses.
  2. Make use of cloud services; many of them provide built-in security elements. These help to lower the need for tailored security solutions.

The eighth is to choose a staged strategy; start with a Type 1 audit and work toward a Type 2. This approach lets one gradually improve and distribute expenses over time.

nine. Negotiate multi-year contracts; some auditors provide greater rates for long-term commitments. Over time, this may provide really large savings.

Tenth: Make use of already in place, required controls in many companies. Finding and recording these will help to lower the requirement for fresh capital.

Additional connected expenses

Compliance with SOC 2 goes beyond just audit costs. Over the compliance procedure, many extra expenses could affect your budget.

  1. Expect to spend up to $15,000 each session for thorough security instruction, or $25 per user.

The second is to improve your security posture and make investments in background checking, backup, encryption, antivirus, and anti-phishing solutions.

In 3.Budget $48 per user yearly to protect and control mobile devices accessing corporate data.

  1. Set aside $6,000 to $25,000 for instruments meant to find and evaluate any security flaws in your systems.

5..Allocate at least $10,000 for a thorough review of your present security policies and weaknesses before to the audit.

six.Software for compliance management: Think about systems that monitor and control rules, documents, and compliance chores.

Seven.Factor in expenses for legal examination of policies, contracts, and other compliance-related records.

  1. Budget for outside consultants who can lead you through the compliance procedure and assist in filling any gaps.

nine. Plan possible hardware or software improvements required to satisfy SOC 2 criteria.

  1. Internal staff time: Count the hours your team will devote to paperwork and compliance-related chores.

Benefits of SOC 2 Compliance

For companies, SOC 2 compliance has a lot of benefits. It may strengthen the standing of your business and increase your consumer base winning power.

Enhancement of security

Complying with SOC 2 improves a company’s security posture. It forces companies to use strong policies and systems to safeguard of private information. Among these steps are ongoing observation of cloud infrastructures and frequent vulnerability analyses.

By use of such proactive actions, possible flaws are found and resolved before they may be taken advantage of.

Enhanced security resulting from SOC 2 compliance transcends corporate policies. It also addresses how businesses manage information with outside providers. Including privacy criteria in SOC 2 reports shows that companies are dedicated to protecting consumer data through their supplier chain.

This all-encompassing strategy for security strengthens brand reputation and fosters trust.

Enhanced credibility and confidence

SOC 2 compliance improves a company’s dependability and standing. Knowing that a third-party auditor has confirmed the security procedures of the company makes consumers more comfortable. This outside evaluation supports the company’s data security assurances.

Companies that maintain SOC 2 compliance show their dedication to protecting private data, therefore fostering customer confidence over time.

Tools for automation may let companies simplify their SOC 2 compliance systems. These systems simplify tracking and management of security measures, therefore lowering the possibility of mistakes or oversights.

Using automated solutions lets businesses demonstrate their commitment to upholding strict security requirements. From the perspective of consumers and partners, this strategy not only raises efficiency but also helps the company to be generally trustworthy.

Long-term possible cost reductions

Beyond increasing confidence, SOC 2 compliance may result over time major financial gains. In areas like incident response and data breach recovery, companies can find lowered expenses.

Strong security measures help companies avoid expensive leaks and minimize large penalties for non-compliance.

Tools for SOC 2 automation help to reduce human labor expenses and expedite the audit process. These technologies enable companies to keep compliance all year long, therefore lowering the need for costly last-minute preparations before audits.

Over time, the initial outlay for SOC 2 compliance will pay off with lower security risks and more efficient operations.

Resources and instruments for compliance

Many tools and services help to simplify attempts at SOC 2 compliance. These choices assist companies in effectively handling the process from automated systems to professional consultations.

One. Starting at $8,000, solutions such as Sprinto provide automated tools for SOC 2 compliance. These systems may streamline compliance procedures and help to save expenses.

  1. Pre-made templates direct the creation of necessary SOC 2 paperwork by policy and process standards. They guarantee thorough coverage of necessary policies and save time.

The fourth is online courses and seminars that teach staff members SOC 2 criteria and best practices. Maintaining compliance all over the company depends on this kind of training.

  1. Tools for security monitoring: software tracking of system operations and warning on any security hazards. These instruments help to enable continuous risk management and compliance.
  2. Systems for audit management help to arrange data collecting and simplify interactions with auditors. They assist in cutting audit time and expenses.
  3. Tools for risk assessment: Those meant to find and analyze possible security vulnerabilities. They help to prioritize the allocation of resources and security policies.

Eight.Systems for vendor management monitor and evaluate third-party vendor compliance levels. Managing supply chain risks calls for these systems.

nine.Tools offering real-time security posture and compliance status help to create constant monitoring solutions. Between audits, they assist in keeping constant SOC 2 compliance.

  1. Professional services provided by seasoned SOC 2 experts constitute expert consultations. They provide particular direction and recommendations all through the compliance procedure.


For companies, SOC 2 compliance presents great benefits. It raises consumer confidence and strengthens security protocols. Though at first, the expenses appear considerable, the long-term advantages usually exceed the original outlay.

Through wise resource allocation and careful planning, businesses may control expenditures. In the end, SOC 2 accreditation shows a dedication to top standards for data security and protection.

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